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Reached 33% of Kickstarter Goal!

We're off to a good start because of you!

Hey everyone, we’ve just exceeded 33% of our goal for our Kickstarter!

Thank you for contributing and helping move us closer to our goal. We’ve still got a way to go before our campaign closes so please spread the word to your snowboard friends about our KickStarter for the RIGZ HIKIN'RIG.

RIGZ, RIGZ Snowboarding, RIGZ Gear, RIGZ Snowboard Gear, RIGZ kickstarter, HIKIN'RIG, RIGZ HIKING RIG
Kickstarter Update for RIGZ Snowboard Gear

Kickstarter Details: RIGZ HIKIN'RIG

Click on the image below to be taken to our Kickstarter, which outlines details about the HIKIN'RIG snowboard accessory and about the Kickstarter campaign in general.

RIGZ, RIGZ Snowboarding, RIGZ Gear, RIGZ Snowboard Gear, snowboard gear, snowboarding, man snowboarding, ski gear, snowboard kickstarter

International Shipping Now Available

Also, international shipping is now available for those who contribute to the Kickstarter!

Let your snowboarding friends around the world know about our campaign for the HIKIN'RIG snowboard accessory, which makes it easier and more comfortable for experienced and new snowboarders to carry their snowboard!

RIGZ, RIGZ Snowboarding, RIGZ Gear, RIGZ Snowboard Gear, RIGZ kickstarter, HIKIN'RIG, RIGZ HIKING RIG
Kickstarter Update for RIGZ Snowboard Gear


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